Title: Red Hood Rating: R Pairing: Derek/Stiles Word Count: 1,019 Summary: Stiles takes a walk in the woods. Warnings/Notes: BDSM, roleplay, knotting, consensual non-con, underage
Title: Philosophy of We Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Issac/Jackson; background Derek/Stiles Word Count: 2,251 Summary: Issac has a theory. Warnings/Notes: Jackson is a werewolf.
Title: Insider Rating: R Pairing: Derek/Stiles; past Kate/Derek Word Count: 1,073 Summary: Derek and his wolf enjoy the hunt. Warnings/Notes: Creepyness, mild gore, knotting. Consensual sex between an adult and a minor.
Title: Claims Rating: R Pairing: Jackson/Scott; background Derek/Stiles Word Count: 3,150 Summary: Jackson and Scott claim each other. Warnings/Notes: Spoilers for Season 2
Title: Continuity Equation Rating: PG - 13 for creepyness Pairing: None, gen Word Count: ~350 Summary: Lydia, math, and her plans for the future. Warnings/Notes: Vague spoilers for Teen Wolf, if you squint.